

Welcome to my website. It’s under renovation.


Alguém já assistiu??

Existe o DVD para vender:

E um blog a respeito do filme:

Vou ler o blog com mais tempo, mas fiquei curiooooooooooooooosa!!!!!!!

A Cathy Zielske adorou e diz que todo mundo que faz scrap deve assistir. EU QUERO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vejam o que ela diz:

And for those of you who've heard the buzz on this movie, or wondered, "What the hell is that guy thinking?" I can honestly say this little independent film is one with a really big heart. You know how we scrapbookers aren't always necessarily painted in the....hippest of lights? Well, watching this movie made me feel good about this hobby. It has a genuiness to it. You don't need top notch production values when you have that. You can make a movie in your basement. And, seeing how someone sees our hobby, who comes from an entirely different world, is kind of cool. Especially when they do it with an open mind. Wes, you did a good job. I think scrapbookers should see this.

Support independent film because these people tell stories without a zillion people telling them how it should be done. They get to stay true to their vision. Kind of like you, every time you scrapbook.

Depois eu traduzo, é tarde, estou com sono e amanhã o dia vai ser cheio de compromissos começando ás 8h e terninando sabe-se lá a que horas! Reunião na WR logo cedo, bazar do colegio dos meninos, aula de artes deles, reuniao com a Dri, aniversário a noite, trabalho, encomendas... UFA!

Boa noite! Vou sonhar com um filme de scrap brasileiro! Não seria o máximo?

Recife est á mais Chic!!

Atendendo a pedidos