Blog meio abandonado de novo, eu sei, eu sei... mas por bons motivos!!!
No comeco do mes de outubro tivemos que ir ao Brasil para a renovacao do nosso visto... foi uma viagem ate prevista, mas marcada de ultima hora por questoes burocraticas. Com isso muita correria, meu marido acabou indo antes para nao afetar seus dias de trabalho, e eu depois, para nao afetar muito as aulas dos meninos, ja que ha um limite de faltas permitidas no ano letivo.
Foram dias otimos, aproveitei bastante, curti minha familia... espero conseguir logo fazer um post sobre isso - fiz tambem um curso otimo de encadernacao com amigas queridas e fui a feira de scrap, onde conheci muita gente!
Outro motivo foi um convite que recebi que me deixou muito feliz, e que eh o motivo deste post:
Fabiana Mattos e Alice Fares, do Scrapclass - que levaram a Donna Downey para cursos no Brasil - me convidaram para fazer, junto com elas, 3 projetos para uma Oficina de Natal, inaugurando as aulas online do Scrapclass. Fiquei muito, muito feliz e surpresa com este convite, e mergulhei na producao dos projetos!!!
Quem ja deu aulas - sejam elas presenciais ou online - sabe o tempo que montar uma aula consome. No meu caso, assim que recebo o convite ja comeco a pensar nos projetos o tempo todo - hora do banho e hora de dormir incluidas. Qualquer pedaco de papel - ou vidro embacado - viram base para eu desenhar e fazer sketches.
Sempre me pergunto: "sera que este projeto eh interessante o suficiente"?
Enfim, criar um PAP leva um tempo entre criar, fazer os prototipos, alterar ideias, ate chegar ao resultado que me agrada!!
Os projetos estao otimos (modestia a parte), elegantes e lindos. Sou muito critica qdo desenvolvo algum projeto (pergunte para minhas amigas mais proximas...) e confesso que estou ansiosa para as aulas comecarem para saber a reacao das alunas!
Deixo aqui meu convite para quem ainda nao se inscreveu:
Nos proximos dias coloco um sneak peak do "work in progress", aproveitando a ideia que a Fabiana teve e fez no blog dela ;)
Para mais detalhes e informacoes, acesse o blog
Aproveite e veja como participar do sorteio destes caderninhos fofos!
Espero ver todo mundo por la dia 8 de novembro!!
Beijos e obrigada pela visita,
I know, I know... the blog is abandoned... but I had two good reasons for that!
On October we had to flight to Brazil to renew our visa - we were expecting this trip, but had to wait for some official papers - but the consulate in Brazil only had schedule for December. We had to ask emergency appointment, and as soon they approved (we had to insist, because it was denied 2 times)my husband flew first - job reasons - and I had to wait a few days in order to not jeopardize my kids school - they have a limit for absent days. We enjoyed each and everyday there - soon I'll have a post about that. I even had a bookbinding class with dear friends and went to a scrapbooking trade show where I met lots of people!
The other reason to let the blog without updates was an invitation that made me really happy, and that's exactly what this post is about:
Two fantastic and famous scrapbook and bookbinding teachers in Brazil - Fabiana Mattos and Alice Fares, from Scrapclass ( they were responsible for Donna Downey's classes in Brazil ) invited me to host with them an online Christmas Workshop, the first session of Scrapclass online classes. It made so, so happy, so from that date on I am completely involved with the projects!
Put up a class together takes time. As soon as I receive the invitation I start thinking and planning, even during bath time or bed time... and any place was a place to sketch something.
During the creative process I always ask myself: "is this interesting enough"? And I change, make prototypes, try other ideas... is a long process and I don't rest while I'm not truly happy with the results. For this Christmas Workshop the all 9 projects are great (in my humble opinion :D ), elegants and useful. I'm counting the days to see the students reactions...
The classes are in Portuguese, but if anyone who is an English speaker has interest on them, we can work on translations ;)
Next days I'll post some Work in Progress - to get advantage of Fabiana's idea...
For details and information: - they are hosting a giveaway for those helping spreading the word :D. The prize: the gorgeous notebooks on the picture above.
Hope I can meet you all there on November 8th!
Thank you for passing by!