Sei que estou mega ausente, mais do que eu gostaria/deveria/desejaria. Descobri uma solucao (espero) para minha area de trabalho (que fica na sala de jantar) e estou envolvida com essa organizacao praticamente desde o comeco do mes passado.
Comprei moveis, instalei equipamentos, descobri que preciso de uma cadeira nova (mais alta), comecei a reorganizar... nesse embalo acabei reorganizando meu closet (ja que muitas das minhas coisas de scrap ficam la tambem): instalei prateleiras, mudei moveis de lugar, refiz arquivos, redistribui itens nas gavetas, e acho que vou embalar para o closet dos meus filhos...
Gosto disso, so que se pudesse so me dedicar a isso de forma intensiva, sem distracoes e ter alguma ajuda seria otimo... pq no meio disso tudo a vida nao para, meu corpo nao aguenta tanto (estou com as costas me matando) e mesmo coisinhas minimas quando agrupadas impactam meu dia a dia: a casa, cozinhar, lavar, limpar, dirigir, dar atencao a familia, ajudar filho com tarefa...Gabriel's project based on The Hobbit
...voluntariar na escola, fazer brigadeiro de madrugada para festinha na escola, feriado, neve, chuva, agendar medicos, agendar revisao de carro, viagem do marido, preparar novas aulas online (em breve novidades ;) ) , renovar passaporte, ajudar nas mudacas no ScrapbookBrasil, encontros, cansaco, tentativa de descanso... um descanso que eh minimo, sao mais pausas para sentar e respirar do que outra coisa - e nessas pausas tento responder a emails, chamar a familia via Skype, passear pelo Facebook e Twitter, visitar precariamente o Pinterest, passar os olhos pelo Google Reader e... pensar no blog.
Espero voltar em breve! Obrigada por ainda acreditarem nesse espaco =)
big moon from Saturday night, March 19th
I know I'm absent from the blog much more than I was intended to... but I found out a way to reorganize my work area (which is inside my dining/living room area), and I've been involved with this since February. I bought new furniture, installed equipments, learned that I need a new (higher) chair, started the reorganization... and then started reorganizing my closet (some of my paper and scrap stuff is stored there) : installed new shelves, worked on my file system, redid the drawers organization, and maybe my next attack will be on my kid's closet... Organization is a subject I really appreciate, specially in my house. But it would be much better if I could focus on it, with a little help from someone else... because life goes on, my body is not as strong as before (my back is just killing me) and even small tasks and distractions make a huge difference at the end of the day: take care of the house, cleaning, cooking, doing/sorting/folding laundry, driving, going to the market, help a son with his homework, volunteering at his school, cooking Brazilian treats for a party at school, a holiday, snow, rain, making doctor appointments, preparing new online classes, renewing my passport, helping with changes on ScrapbookBrasil, meeting friends, being tired, trying to get some rest... the rest is just a pause, in fact, to sit, trying to catch my breath... during these pauses I try to answer emails, call my family on Skype, take a look at Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and google Reader... and the blog. I hope I can return on my 'regular schedule" soon... with my new work area ready to be shown! Thank you for still believing! =)