Desde o final de maio, comeco de junho, estava tendo problemas com o meu computador. Travava a toda hora, ficava horas pensando... horas mesmo... um comportamento estranho que comecou de repente, apos 3 anos de trabalho incansavel e impecavel.
Apelei para o suporte pago e depois de varias ligacoes e solucoes que se mostraram paliativas, achou-se melhor formatar o HD.
Fiz uma revisao basica nos arquivos salvos no HD interno (a maioria estah em 2 HDs externos), deletei o que nao queria mais e assim foi. Nao sem dificuldades, mas enfim, ca estou com o HD formatado, sistema operacional novinho e a sensacao de ter ganho um computador zero kilometro! Da ate medo de comecar a instalar tudo de novo, hehehehe...
Estou aos pouco atualizando os programas e aplicativos. Alguns estao ainda com problemas porque aproveitei e fiz upgrade do sistema operacional, e ele nao suporta mais alguns drivers e vice-versa... ah, essa tecnologia!
Minha vida virtual anda devagar, devagar... digo, vida produtiva, pois sem computador pelo menos o celular ajuda a checar emails e acompanhar Facebook. Mas tenho varias atividades paradas e atrasadas onde eu dependia exclusivamente deste computador (alguns programas so rodam nele)... O blog novo continua sendo formatado, mas nao sem um senhor atraso em funcao do computador ter estado tao lento e impossivel de trabalhar. Mudar uma foto de pasta levava horas!
Nao vejo a hora de mudar o blog de endereco!! Sabe ansiedade??? Estou assim.
Eu me sinto como que mudando de casa e querendo logo curtir o novo espaco, ter a vista da
nova janela e receber as visitas, apagar a luz da casa velha e tchau!
Se voce tambem tem blog, sabe do que eu falo... receber as visitas e comentarios eh tao bom, ne??
Entao, aproveite esta dica e va atras das visitas: o ScrapbookBrasil planejou para o proximo final de semana uma atividade bem legal que envolve o seu blog!
Nao deixe de aproveitar!! Dai, enquanto nao mudo meu blog de endereco, eu vou visitar o seu!
Um beijo
Since June I've been experiencing lots of technical issues with my iMac: lagging, freezing, crashing... the infamous beach ball was on my screen 99% of the time. This computer is already 3 years old, but always worked flawlessly. I was scared about losing the machine, or the HD. I love this iMac. After some attempts on solving the issues by myself with some help from the Internet, I've decided to get Apple Support. I've spent hours with three different guys in different days over the phone: one just fine, one really good and one really awful - exactly the one who erased my HD, because I was told, by he really nice one, that this step should fix the issues.
I have now the nice feeling of having a new iMac, yes!!
Then I decided to upgrade to OS X Lion, and now I don't have my Bamboo tablet working well because the new OS doesn't support downloading the driver from the CD I have, and the website does not have the driver for my OS. Oh, my...
So my virtual (productive) life is late, since most apps I have only work with the iMac. I'm installing all of them very carefully, afraid of problems, lol. And I only have PCs around, so I'm kind of stuck. I can't stand anymore having my blog here with blogger, can't wait to move to the new one! I feel like moving to another house, can't wait to enjoy it and have people going there to be part of everything I'm planning!
If you have a blog, you know exactly what I mean. It is sooooo good to have people going there and leaving comments, uh?
Here's a tip for those who can understand Portuguese: ScrapbookBrasil will have a game next Saturday where you must share your blog with us, and the work you publish there. The ad above says more if you click on it, so you can understand all rules of this fun game. Then, while I update everything on my computer, I can also visit your blog and comment there!
Have a great week!!